Octane AI
Octane AI

Our Customer - Efficiency and Growth with Savant Analytics Automation

Moogsoft sees huge revenue impact with analytics automation

Moogsoft operationalizes data-driven GTM with Savant - unlocks new opportunities with timely insights, eliminates 100s of hours of manual analytic work and reduces the cost and complexity of their GTM stack.

  • 800K revenue opportunities unlocked in a month
  • 100+ hours of manual analytic work eliminated every month
  • 25% annual spend saved on GTM stack
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Arrive Logistics unleashes efficient growth with no-code dataflow automation

Arrive Logistics unleashes efficient growth with no-code data flow automation – unlocks massive revenue opportunities from data-driven insights – eliminates thousands of hours of manual work – reduces the burden on data teams.

  • $500K+ revenue opportunities unlocked within a month from timely insights delivered through no-code and self-service analytics
  • 400 hours/month of manual analytic work eliminated through automation
  • 25% reduction in data requests to engineers
  • 25% reduction in data sync and replication costs expected

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MariaDB, provider of one of the most popular open source databases, accelerates strategic analytics with Savant’s drag-and-drop capabilities and bot-driven automation of insights.

  • Analysis now 40X faster, transforming executive decisioning
  • 80+ hours a month saved through no-code automation
  • Less than 2 hours to create end-to-end business analytics workflows
  • Additional analytic workflows created in minutes instead of days

Cents, one of the most successful laundromat service and software platform boosts operational efficiency with Savant’s analytics automation.

  • 100’s of hours saved per month across the business
  • Analysts get better, more accurate results daily
  • Engineers freed to focus on other strategic projects
  • Executives are accelerating strategic initiatives with in depth daily insights

A Fortune 500 tech company that manufactures and sells telecommunication and networking products, relies on Savant to analyze their major customer and market trends.

  • Savant automation is used to analyze market share shifts and top customers purchasing trends

A leading healthcare company specializing in prescription drugs price comparison, uses Savant to analyze customer trends and drive new customer acquisition.

  • Analyzing customer trends and consumer searches to drive faster customer acquisition
  • Over 9 billion rows of data regularly processed
  • Over 2000+ hours of manual work eliminated with automation
  • Pulls data from Google search console, other sources and outputs insights to Redshift

Let us help take your business to new heights.

Never duplicate efforts
Measure what matters
Deliver timely insights